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Our site currently holds hundreds of thousands of suppliers and buyers from countries as its members, and thenumber of members is rapidly growing. More than 1million business people are visiting our Web site every month to find their business partners.
1.For Buyers
It is free to buy on our platform. With a free membership you can use our sourcing tools, send inquiries to suppliers, and post your Buying Leads, all free of charge.
2.For Sellers
Free members may also post products to sell, search for buyers and contact certain buyers who accept quotations from free members.
To fully utilize benefits and services of our platform , should join our site as a member. Click "Join now" to register as a member of our platform.
Where do I start if I want to buy?
we are an online B2B (business to business) trade platform connecting buyers and suppliers worldwide. Finding the products you need right here is simple:
1. Go to the homepage
2. Enter the name of the product you want in the search bar
3. Click Search
Click on a product in the search results to find out more about the product. On each product page, you can send messages to the supplier by clicking Contact Now or Inquire Now. Our platfome is not a trading company or a manufacturer/buying office and we are not involved in transactions between our members. If you are interested in the products on our site, simply contact the supplier directly about the price and transaction details.
To increase your chances of finding suitable suppliers, post your requirements in a Buying Lead. Buying Leads are free wanted ads that tell suppliers exactly what you want to buy making it easier to attract the right suppliers.
How to find my interested products?
You can find your interested products by two ways: click the categories of Product Directory step by step, or search the product by keyword.
How to use Search?
You can search for products and companies in Homepage and Product Directory; and search for offers in Homepage and Offer Board.
How do I contact suppliers?
There are many ways to contact suppliers if you are interested in a specific product:
1. Click on the button of Inquire Now or Contact Now either the product listing or product details pages to send an inquiry direct to the supplier
2. Try the phone number and/or fax number listed on the showroom of the suppliers.
For buyers, how to search for China manufacturer, China factory?
1. Use keywords or search Product Directory, which is an ever-expanding database of China products and China manufacturers/factories/suppliers. Find detailed company and product information. And contact any company (member only) online.
2. Post offers to buy (member only) on Offer Board. Qualified manufacturers may then contact you for further negotiation.
What is the function of Advanced/Refine Search?
Advanced/Refine Search can make your search result more accurate by narrowing down your search scope. You can
1. Search products, offers and companies by keywords
2. Search under a certain category
3. Search in a certain province
4. Search among all the suppliers or Premium China Suppliers only.
How to report fraud supplier?
1. Go to the homepage
2. click the button of Report fraud supplier
How to delete a Buying Request?
Any problem you can sending e-mail to (Please # replaced @)